



Dr. Kelli Wilson, the dedicated owner of Alcove Education, is not only an esteemed instructor but also a passionate advocate for comprehensive healthcare. Leveraging her extensive orthopedic expertise, Kelli meticulously crafted a pelvic health curriculum that offers holistic coverage of the entire body.

With a focus on treating complex pelvic pain conditions among military personnel of diverse gender identities, Kelli has honed her skills significantly. This invaluable experience has not only yielded favorable patient outcomes but has also ignited her fervor to impart her knowledge to fellow practitioners in the field of pelvic health.

Our First Class in 2015

Our debut session, hosted in the vibrant city of Austin, Texas, delved into the intricacies of Vestibulodynia: An Orthopedic and Pelvic Health Approach. 

This comprehensive course provided an in-depth exploration of the multifaceted nature of female pelvic pain disorders. Through engaging lectures, hands-on workshops, and case studies, we empowered a cohort of six dedicated physical therapists with the necessary tools and expertise to effectively address this challenging condition.

Participants emerged equipped with a heightened understanding of the orthopedic and pelvic health principles essential for providing holistic care to individuals experiencing vestibulodynia.

We introduced 4 in-person courses...

In 2019, we proudly introduced a series of four immersive in-person courses, each designed to provide comprehensive insights and practical skills in specialized areas of healthcare:

Diving into the Pelvic Floor: Explored pelvic floor anatomy and treatment strategies for disorders.

Pregnancy Pain: Addressed pain management during pregnancy.

How to Treat a Man in Pain: Provided solutions for male pain management.

Vulvovaginal Dermatological Disorders: Covered diagnosis and management with expert instruction.

Adaptation Amidst Adversity

In 2020, amidst the personal challenge of separating from my partner, the world was also grappling with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the upheaval, I seized the opportunity to enroll in online courses offered by myPFM, which proved to be a transformative experience.

Driven by a desire for personal and professional growth, I embraced the shift to digital learning and diligently converted courses to online formats for myPFM. While the financial gains may have been modest, the value of the experience far exceeded mere monetary considerations. These courses not only expanded my knowledge and skill set but also provided a sense of purpose and fulfillment during a turbulent period of transition.

The Year of Indecision..

In 2021, I found myself at a crossroads, grappling with the direction of Alcove, my endeavor, amidst a backdrop of uncertainty. With in-person courses suspended due to prevailing circumstances, I redirected my focus towards my full-time job while navigating the intricate web of decisions that lay ahead.

Despite the challenges, one beacon emerged amidst the uncertainty: the debut of a pivotal course titled "Treatment Approaches to Pelvic Pain." This milestone event not only marked the continuation of our educational mission but also served as a testament to resilience in the face of adversity..

Growth of Online Courses..

In 2022, during the growth of online courses, our journey took a significant leap forward with the expansion of our digital offerings. Recognizing the growing demand for accessible and comprehensive online learning experiences, we seized the opportunity to bring our expertise to a global audience.

The pivotal moment arrived with the debut of two flagship courses: "Diving into the Pelvic Floor Online" and "Vulvovaginal Disorders," hosted on the versatile Kajabi platform. This marked a significant milestone in our mission to democratize knowledge and empower individuals worldwide with essential insights into pelvic health and wellness.

Diving into the Pelvic Floor: 

Vulvovaginal Disorders and Female 
Sexual Pain Defined

International & Growing!

In 2023, I traveled to India for two weeks to share expertise on pelvic health practices, contributing valuable insights and techniques to the worldwide community.

Transitioning into Entrepreneurship! August 4th marked a significant shift as I left my full-time job, fully embracing the entrepreneurial journey with determination.

Committed to Growth! With newfound freedom and focus, I am dedicated to expanding my ventures, seizing every opportunity to move forward and create a meaningful impact.

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